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Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Waterton Lakes National Park and Happy Anniversary!

Ron could call me a nag. He could but he doesn’t (okay not usually). One of the things I might nag Ron about is to take more “dry” photographs. You see Ron considers himself foremost a landscape photographer and his favourite type of a landscape photograph would include a reflection. This means a lake or some other body of water is required and makes the photo “wet”. So his idea of a beautiful landscape in the Rocky Mountains in Waterton Lakes National Park would be a mountain vista with a perfect reflection in a lake. And why wouldn’t it be? Reflections can be beautiful. But on this visit Waterton Lake would not be calm enough for that perfect reflection so Ron would settle for other wet landscapes with just a little colour reflected in the water. Waterton Lakes National Park
Waterton Lakes National Park

Waterton Lakes National Park
Waterton Lakes National Park

Red Rock Canyon, Waterton National Park
Red Rock Canyon, Waterton National Park

Sometimes though just to please me Ron will also take pictures that include no lakes, waterfalls or wetlands – not even puddles. At Waterton National Park he did just that and the results were a beautiful anniversary gift don’t you think? Bellevue Hill, Waterton National Park
Bellevue Hill, Waterton National Park

Plains Bison, Waterton National Park
Plains Bison, Waterton National Park

Happy Anniversary to you too Ron! Prairie Crocus
Prairie Crocus

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Anonymous Marta said...

All the photos are beautiful - wet or dry! Happy Anniversary to you both!

24 August 2016 at 07:59  

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