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Saturday, 19 January 2008

It's Not Easy Being Green!

Northern Leopard Frog (SARA/COSEWIC lists as Special Concern/Endangered in some parts of Canada)
Or should I say, “it isn't easy to become green”? We (that’s Ron Erwin and I) are “trying” to become green or at least to be greener in everything we do – whether in our personal or business lives. But “living” itself really isn’t very environmentally friendly, and living in Canada with its cold northern climate pretty much means that the burning of fossil fuels will be required for heat from late September until at least late April - even here in Toronto. (Although this year you might remember from my Beach blog posting that it was still warm enough to sit on a beach in mid-October and we didn’t turn on our heat until around the 17th. Maybe that’s even more proof – as if we needed any - of global warming?) At least we do turn down our gas furnace the recommended 5°C nightly or while we are away and to do so we don’t need a programmable thermostat (which just takes more energy to manufacture and run). But it looks like that Northern Leopard Frog above still expects more of us.

(Right: Male Green Frog)

Of course we do the basics: Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. We try not to buy what we don’t need and when we do need something we try to buy it locally with less packaging, and from green sources. This too is challenging and sometimes impossible as even the food stores within walking distance to our house pack many items, such as meats and even some vegetables on Styrofoam trays. At this time of year if we want more variety in our diet than just meat and potatoes then the food has to be trucked in from somewhere and that somewhere is probably very far away. Are hothouse tomatoes grown in Ontario more environmentally friendly than ones grown outside and trucked in from Mexico? I don’t know. It doesn’t seem we have much choice when it comes to food or at least not in mid-January.

(left: Bullfrog among lily pads) So when we moved our website to a new host last week we were very happy that the chosen host company is a “certified green host” which means they purchase renewable energy certificates that offset the carbon emissions generated by all their business activities. For more information on what that means go to www.ronerwin.com and look for and click on the icon - Green Web Hosting! This site hosted by DreamHost. (edit note 10/04/27 - this blog and Exposure: Ron's Ramblings have been moved to a different server with an unknown green status). Reading about our host being carbon neutral got us thinking more about the technology we use in the photography industry and our business’s carbon footprint. Digital images don’t require harsh chemicals to be developed like film but they do require electricity consuming computers. So on Monday we decided to cash in our GST windfall (thanks to Prime Minister Harper) and signed up to become bullfrogpowered. This means we will be paying 3.4 - 3.9 cents more per kilowatt-hour for electricity for our home/office, but Bullfrog Power will inject green power equal to the amount we consume into the Ontario power grid. In Ontario the source of this green power is 20% wind generated and 80% from low-impact hydroelectric power. In Alberta they are doing better – 100% is wind generated and it only costs 2 cents per kWh (typically just 50 cents more per day than the usual sources for the average home).
Castle River Wind Farm near Pincher Creek, Alberta

This doesn’t mean that we’ll be drawing our power directly from a wind turbine (I wish!) in our neighbourhood. But it does mean that more clean energy will be generated on our behalf. Eventually with more homes and businesses signing up then more clean sources (maybe solar?) will be added, the price of Ontario’s green power will come down, and hopefully the non-green sources will no longer be required. We also hope our willingness to pay more for green power helps send a message to our government - to help push the Ontario government to finally close Ontario’s coal power plants as promised and replace them with something other than Nuclear Power. But it is also a message for the Federal Government. That rather than GST cuts that reward consumption and consumerism, we want our tax money to go toward solving the global warming problem. It was made very clear this week that our Federal government cannot be trusted to ensure the safety of Canada’s nuclear power plants with the firing of the head of the Nuclear Safety Commission just for doing her job.

(Above: Bullfrog Among Lily Pads)

Unfortunately our switch to Bullfrog Power does not happen until the next time our electrical meter is read in mid-March. In the meantime and even after the switch we will continue to try to further reduce our energy consumption and our carbon footprint by:

  • Travelling and driving less. We will continue to take mass transit or walk whenever possible (I’m sure our bodies will thank us for the added exercise);
  • Replacing incandescent light-bulbs. Ninety-nine percent of our incandescent light-bulbs have already been replaced with energy saving compact fluorescent bulbs. We hope to replace the remaining ones with even better LEDs perhaps from here.
  • Remembering to bring our reusable shopping bags to the store more often. Better yet? Always!
  • Pushing our neighbourhood’s grocers to stock more locally grown food and to wrap meat with paper rather than plastic and Styrofoam.
  • Turning down the heat and stopping draughts. Today we decided to set the thermostat to 68F rather than 70F. I’ve got on an extra sweater right now but I’m hoping I eventually acclimatize to this small change. I also put some weather-stripping around the back screen door which amazingly enough stopped the wind howling around its edges. So I’m now inspired to look around the house for more gaps that can be stopped.
  • Use big energy consuming appliances as little as possible. I’ll let my long hair air dry more often and use my blow-dryer less. Eighteen months ago we already stopped using our clothes-dryer. Instead we hang all our laundry to air dry. At this time of year we dry the clothes on racks inside the house. But in nicer weather we have a portable umbrella style clothes line. When needed we just insert the umbrella’s pole into the ground spike and open the umbrella. The ground spike has a cap to keep out rain when not in use. It can even be run right over with a lawn mower (preferably human powered not gas!). I understand that some communities don’t allow clotheslines as they think they are unsightly. The umbrella dryer may not be a work of art but I think these white sheets drying on a clothes line in Newfoundland are– don’t you?

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post! You have motivated me to try to be better! Also, loved Ron's photos.

20 January 2008 at 10:25  
Blogger Beck said...

Another beautiful post - it really got me thinking of what we do and don't do as a household. Great job.

20 January 2008 at 15:20  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great stuff, Lori! If the rest of us just did a little of what you do I imagine it would make a difference. Always enjoy your writing & Ron's photos. Keup up the good work.


24 January 2008 at 19:02  

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